Publications by Neuroscan Staff


Ronnie Abi-Raad, Ph.D.

Huang J, Colrain IM, Melen­dres MC, Karamessi­nis LR, Pepe ME, Samuel JM, Abi-Raad RF, Trescher WH, Marcus CL. Corti­cal process­ing of respi­ra­tory affer­ent stim­uli during sleep in chil­dren with the obstruc­tive sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep. 2008;31(3):403–10.

Melen­dres MC, Marcus CL, Abi-Raad RF, Trescher WH, Lutz JM, Colrain IM. Respiratory-related evoked poten­tials during sleep in chil­dren. Sleep. 2008;31(1):55–61.

Abi-Raad R, Tan WKM, Bennet L, Gunn AJ, Davis SL, Gluck­man PD, John­ston BM and Williams CE Role of the Cere­brovas­cu­lar and Meta­bolic Responses in the Delayed Phases of Injury after Tran­sient Cere­bral Ischemia in Fetal Sheep. Stroke 1999. 30(12):2735–2741.

Höper J, Kessler M, Abi-Raad R, Funk R Oxygen-dependent Regu­la­tion of Capil­lary Flow. Fact or Fiction? Advances in Exper­i­men­tal Medi­cine & Biol­ogy 1997. 428:415–24.

Harri­son DK, Abi-Raad R, Newton DJ, McCol­lum PT Tran­scu­ta­neous H2 Clear­ance — A New Least-invasive Method for Assess­ing Skin Blood Flow. Advances in Exper­i­men­tal Medi­cine & Biol­ogy 1994. 361:181–6.

Harri­son DK, Abi-Raad R, Newton DJ and McCol­lum PT Tran­scu­ta­neous Hydro­gen Clear­ance — A New Non-invasive Tech­nique for Assess­ing Blood Flow in Human Skin. Phys­iol Meas 1994 15(1): 89–100.


Martin R Ford, Ph.D.

Fuchs M, Ford MR, Sands S, Lew HL. Overview of dipole source local­iza­tion. Phys Med Reha­bil Clin N Am. 2004 Feb;15(1):251–62.

Ford MR, Sands S, Lew HL. Overview of arti­fact reduc­tion and removal in evoked poten­tial and event-related poten­tial record­ings. Phys Med Reha­bil Clin N Am. 2004 Feb;15(1):1–17.

Ford M.R.; Sidman R.D.; Khalil M.A.; Lan K. Corti­cal poten­tial differ­ences in mild trau­matic brain injury for the AEP P300 compo­nent Elec­troen­cephalog­ra­phy and Clin­i­cal Neuro­phys­i­ol­ogy, 1997 102(1) , 21P-21P.

Ford, Martin R. Khalil, Mohamed. Evoked Poten­tial Find­ings in Mild Trau­matic Brain Injury 1: Middle Latency Compo­nent Augmen­ta­tion and Cogni­tive Compo­nent Atten­u­a­tion. Jour­nal of Head Trauma Reha­bil­i­ta­tion. 1996 11(3):1–15.

Ford, Martin R; Khalil, Mohamed Evoked Poten­tial Find­ings in Mild Trau­matic Brain Injury 2: Scor­ing System and Indi­vid­ual Discrim­i­na­tion. Jour­nal of Head Trauma Reha­bil­i­ta­tion. 1996 11(3):16–21.

Sidman RD, Ford MR, Ramsey G. Opti­mal elec­trode place­ments for adequate spatial sampling of audi­tory evoked poten­tials. Brain Topogr. 1994 Spring;6(3):227–30.

Ford MR, Sidman RD, Ramsey G. Spatio-temporal progres­sion of the AEP P300 compo­nent using the corti­cal imag­ing tech­nique. Brain Topogr. 1993 Fall;6(1):43–50.

Sidman R. D. ; Major D. J. ; Ford M. R. ; Ramsey G. G. ; Schlicht­ing C. Age-related features of the rest­ing pattern-Reversal visual evoked response using the dipole local­iza­tion method and corti­cal imag­ing tech­nique. J Neurosci Meth­ods. 1991, vol. 37, no1, pp. 27–36

Sidman RD, Ford MR, Ramsey G, Schlicht­ing C. Age-related features of the rest­ing and P300 audi­tory evoked responses using the dipole local­iza­tion method and corti­cal imag­ing tech­nique. J Neurosci Meth­ods. 1990 Jul;33(1):23–32.

Sidman RD, Kear­fott RB, Major DJ, Ford MR, Hill CD, Smith DB, Lee L, Kramer R. Devel­op­ment and appli­ca­tion of math­e­mat­i­cal tech­niques for the non-invasive local­iza­tion of the sources of scalp-recorded elec­tric poten­tials. In Biomed­ical Model­ling and Simu­la­tion, Eisen­feld J & Levine DS (Eds.) JC Baltzer AG, Scien­tific Publish­ing Co., 1989: 133–157.

Glueck BC, Ford MR, Molyn MA. Computer analy­sis of the elec­troen­cephalo­gram. Psychi­atric Annals 1988 18:236–245.

Ford MR, Goethe JW, Dekker DK. EEG coher­ence and power in the discrim­i­na­tion of psychi­atric disor­ders and medica­tion effects. Biol Psychi­a­try. 1986 Oct;21(12):1175–88.

Ford MR, Goethe JW, Dekker DK. EEG coher­ence and power changes during a contin­u­ous move­ment task. Int J Psychophys­iol. 1986 Jul;4(2):99–110.

Ford MR. Inter­per­sonal stress and style as predic­tors of short– and long-term outcome. Biofeed­back Self Regul. 1985 10:223–239.

Ford MR, Stroebel CF, Strong P, Szarek BL. Quiet­ing response train­ing: predic­tors of long-term outcome. Biofeed­back Self Regul. 1983 Sep;8(3):393–408.

Ford MR, Stroebel CF, Strong P, Szarek BL. Quiet­ing response train­ing: long-term eval­u­a­tion of a clin­i­cal biofeed­back prac­tice. Biofeed­back Self Regul. 1983 Jun;8(2):265–78.

Ford MR, Stroebel CF, Strong P, Szarek BL. Quiet­ing response train­ing: treat­ment of psychophys­i­o­log­i­cal disor­ders in psychi­atric inpa­tients. Biofeed­back Self Regul. 1982 Sep;7(3):331–9.

Ford MR. Biofeed­back treat­ment for headaches, Raynaud’s disease, essen­tial hyper­ten­sion and irri­ta­ble bowel syndrome: A review of the long-term, follow-up liter­a­ture. Biofeed­back Self Regul. 1982 Sep;7(4):521–536.

Mirabile CS, Ford MR. A clin­i­cally useful polling tech­nique for estab­lish­ing suscep­ti­bil­ity to motion sick­ness. Percep­tual and Motor Skills. 1982 54:987–991.

Stroebel CF, Ford MR. Biofeed­back – Quiet­ing response treat­ment of primary Raynaud’s disease. In Biofeed­back – Basic Prob­lems and Clin­i­cal Appli­ca­tions, Richter-Heinrich E & Miller NE (Eds), VEB Deutscher Verlag de Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1982.

Ford M, Bird BL, Newton FA, Sheer D. Main­te­nance and gener­al­iza­tion of 40-Hz EEG biofeed­back effects. Biofeed­back Self Regul. 1980 Jun;5(2):193–205.

Spydell JD, Ford MR, Sheer DE. Task depen­dent cere­bral later­al­iza­tion of the 40 Hertz EEG rhythm. Psychophys­i­ol­ogy. 1979 Jul;16(4):347–50.

Bird BL, Newton FA, Sheer DE, Ford M. Behav­ioral and elec­troen­cephalo­graphic corre­lates of 40-Hz EEG biofeed­back train­ing in humans. Biofeed­back Self Regul. 1978 Mar;3(1):13–28.

Bird BL, Newton FA, Sheer DE, Ford M. Biofeed­back train­ing of 40-Hz EEG in humans. Biofeed­back Self Regul. 1978 Mar;3(1):1–11.

Spydell JD, Ford MR, Sheer DE. Task depen­dent cere­bral later­al­iza­tion of the 40 Hertz EEG rhythm. Psychophys­i­ol­ogy. 1979 Jul;16(4):347–50.


Manfred Fuchs, Ph.D.

Plum­mer C, Wagner M, Fuchs M, Vogrin S, Litewka L, Farish S, Bailey C, Harvey AS, Cook MJ. Clin­i­cal util­ity of distrib­uted source model­ling of inter­ic­tal scalp EEG in focal epilepsy. Clin Neuro­phys. 2010, 121(10) , 1726–1739.

Plum­mer C, Wagner M, Fuchs M, Harvey AS, Cook MJ. Dipole Versus Distrib­uted EEG Source Local­iza­tion for Single Versus Aver­aged Spikes in Focal Epilepsy J Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2010, 27(3):141–162.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Kast­ner J. Devel­op­ment of volume conduc­tor and source models to local­ize epilep­tic foci. J Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2007 Apr;24(2):101–19.

Wagner M, Fuchs M, Kast­ner J. Eval­u­a­tion of sLORETA in the pres­ence of noise and multi­ple sources. Brain Topogr. 2004;16(4):277–80.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Kast­ner J. Confi­dence limits of dipole source recon­struc­tion results. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2004 Jun;115(6):1442–51.

Fuchs M, Ford MR, Sands S, Lew HL. Overview of dipole source local­iza­tion. Phys Med Reha­bil Clin N Am. 2004 Feb;15(1):251–62.

Fuchs M, Kast­ner J, Wagner M, Hawes S, Eber­sole JS. A stan­dard­ized bound­ary element method volume conduc­tor model. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2002 May;113(5):702–12.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Kast­ner J. Bound­ary element method volume conduc­tor models for EEG source recon­struc­tion. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2001 Aug;112(8):1400–7.

Schmitt U, Louis AK, Darvas F, Buch­ner H, Fuchs M. Numer­i­cal aspects of spatio-temporal current density recon­struc­tion from EEG-/MEG-data. IEEE Trans Med Imag­ing. 2001 Apr;20(4):314–24.

Darvas F, Schmitt U, Louis AK, Fuchs M, Knoll G, Buch­ner H. Spatio-temporal current density recon­struc­tion (stCDR) from EEG/MEG-data. Brain Topogr. 2001 Spring;13(3):195–207.

Waber­ski TD, Gobbelé R, Herren­dorf G, Stein­hoff BJ, Kolle R, Fuchs M, Paulus W, Buch­ner H. Source recon­struc­tion of mesial-temporal epilep­ti­form activ­ity: compar­i­son of inverse tech­niques. Epilep­sia. 2000 Dec;41(12):1574–83

Buch­ner H, Gobbele R, Waber­ski TD, Wagner M, Fuchs M. Evidence for inde­pen­dent thal­a­mic and corti­cal sources involved in the gener­a­tion of the visual 40 Hz response in humans. Neurosci Lett. 1999 Jul 9;269(2):59–62.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Köhler T, Wischmann HA. Linear and nonlin­ear current density recon­struc­tions. J Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 1999 May;16(3):267–95.

Ossen­blok P, Fuchs M, Velis DN, Velt­man E, Pijn JP, da Silva FH. Source analy­sis of lesional frontal-lobe epilepsy. IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag. 1999 May-Jun;18(3):67–77.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Wischmann HA, Köhler T, Theis­sen A, Drenck­hahn R, Buch­ner H. Improv­ing source recon­struc­tions by combin­ing bioelec­tric and biomag­netic data. Elec­troen­cephalogr Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 1998 Aug;107(2):93–111.

Fuchs M, Drenck­hahn R, Wischmann HA, Wagner M. An improved bound­ary element method for real­is­tic volume-conductor model­ing. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 1998 Aug;45(8):980–97.

Waber­ski TD, Buch­ner H, Lehn­ertz K, Hufnagel A, Fuchs M, Beck­mann R, Rienäcker A. Prop­er­ties of advanced head­mod­el­ling and source recon­struc­tion for the local­iza­tion of epilep­ti­form activ­ity. Brain Topogr. 1998 Summer;10(4):283–90.

Buch­ner H, Gobbelé R, Wagner M, Fuchs M, Waber­ski TD, Beck­mann R. Fast visual evoked poten­tial input into human area V5. Neurore­port. 1997 Jul 28;8(11):2419–22.

Buch­ner H, Knoll G, Fuchs M, Rienäcker A, Beck­mann R, Wagner M, Silny J, Pesch J. Inverse local­iza­tion of elec­tric dipole current sources in finite element models of the human head. Elec­troen­cephalogr Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 1997 Apr;102(4):267–78.

Buch­ner H, Waber­ski TD, Fuchs M, Wischmann HA, Wagner M, Drenck­hahn R. Compar­i­son of real­is­ti­cally shaped boundary-element and spher­i­cal head models in source local­iza­tion of early somatosen­sory evoked poten­tials. Brain Topogr. 1995 Winter;8(2):137–43.

Buch­ner H, Waber­ski TD, Fuchs M, Wischmann HA, Beck­mann R, Rienäcker A. Origin of P16 median nerve SEP compo­nent iden­ti­fied by dipole source analysis–subthalamic or within the thalamo-cortical radi­a­tion? Exp Brain Res. 1995;104(3):511–8.

Buch­ner H, Fuchs M, Wischmann HA, Dössel O, Ludwig I, Knep­per A, Berg P. Source analy­sis of median nerve and finger stim­u­lated somatosen­sory evoked poten­tials: multi­chan­nel simul­ta­ne­ous record­ing of elec­tric and magnetic fields combined with 3D-MR tomog­ra­phy. Brain Topogr. 1994 Summer;6(4):299–310.


Jörn Kast­ner

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Kast­ner J. Devel­op­ment of volume conduc­tor and source models to local­ize epilep­tic foci. J Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2007 Apr;24(2):101–19.

Wagner M, Fuchs M, Kast­ner J. Eval­u­a­tion of sLORETA in the pres­ence of noise and multi­ple sources. Brain Topogr. 2004;16(4):277–80.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Kast­ner J. Confi­dence limits of dipole source recon­struc­tion results. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2004 Jun;115(6):1442–51.

Fuchs M, Kast­ner J, Wagner M, Hawes S, Eber­sole JS. A stan­dard­ized bound­ary element method volume conduc­tor model. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2002 May;113(5):702–12.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Kast­ner J. Bound­ary element method volume conduc­tor models for EEG source recon­struc­tion. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2001 Aug;112(8):1400–7.


Curtis W. Ponton, Ph.D.

Näätä­nen R, Kujala T, Kreegipuu K, Carl­son S, Escera C, Baldeweg T, Ponton C. The mismatch nega­tiv­ity: an index of cogni­tive decline in neuropsy­chi­atric and neuro­log­i­cal diseases and in ageing. Brain. 2011.

Politte, D. Prior, F. Ponton, C. Nolan, T. Larson-Prior, L. Sources of non-physiologic noise in simul­ta­ne­ous EEG-fMRI data: A phan­tom study. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2010;1:5129–32.

Ponton CW, Bern­stein LE, Auer ET. Mismatch nega­tiv­ity with visual-only and audio­vi­sual speech. Brain Topogr. 2009; 21(3–4):207–215.

Bern­stein LE, Auer ET, Wagner M, Ponton CW. Spatiotem­po­ral dynam­ics of audio­vi­sual speech process­ing. NeuroIm­age, Neuroim­age. 2008; 39(1):423–35.

Shafer VL, Ponton CW, Datta H, Mora M, Schwartz RG. Neuro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal Indices of Atten­tion to Speech in Chil­dren with Specific Language Impair­ment. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 118 (2007), 1230–1243.

Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ. Elec­tro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal Measures of Human Audi­tory System Matu­ra­tion: Rela­tion­ship with Neuroanatomy and Behav­ior. In:

Burkard RF, Don M, Egger­mont JJ (eds.) Audi­tory Evoked Poten­tials: Basic Prin­ci­ples and Clin­i­cal Appli­ca­tion. Lippin­cott Williams & Wilkins, Philadel­phia 2007, 385–402.

Ponton CW. Crit­i­cal peri­ods for human corti­cal devel­op­ment: an ERP study in chil­dren with cochlear implants. In Lomber S and Egger­mont JJ (Eds) Repro­gram­ming the Cere­bral Cortex. Oxford Univer­sity Press, 2006. pp 213–228.

Don M, Ponton CW.. Func­tional imag­ing of audi­tory corti­cal activ­ity. In: RK Jack­ler, DB Brack­mann (Eds), Neuro­tol­ogy. Mosby, New York 2005.

Scarff CJ, Reynolds A, Goodyear BG, Ponton CW, Dort JC, Egger­mont JJ. Simul­ta­ne­ous 3-T fMRI and high-density record­ing of human audi­tory evoked poten­tials. Neuroim­age. 2004;23:1129–42.

Petti­grew CM, Murdoch BE, Ponton CW, Kei J, Chen­ery HJ, Alku P. Subti­tled videos and mismatch nega­tiv­ity (MMN) inves­ti­ga­tions of spoken word process­ing. J Am Acad Audiol. 2004;15:469–85.

Petti­grew CM, Murdoch BE, Ponton CW, Finni­gan S, Alku P, Kei J, Sock­alingam R, Chen­ery HJ. Auto­matic audi­tory process­ing of english words as indexed by the mismatch nega­tiv­ity, using a multi­ple deviant para­digm. Ear Hear. 2004;25:284–301.

Petti­grew CM, Murdoch BM, Kei J, Chen­ery HJ, Sock­alingam R, Ponton CW, Finni­gan S, Alku P. Process­ing of English words with fine acoustic contrasts and simple tones: a mismatch nega­tiv­ity study.J Am Acad Audiol. 2004;15:47–66.

Ponton CW, Don M. Cortically-Evoked Activ­ity Recorded from Cochlear Implant Users. Meth­ods And Appli­ca­tions In: H. Culling­ton (Ed.) Cochlear Implants Objec­tive Measures, Whurr Publish­ers Ltd, London 2003, 187–230.

Khosla D, Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Kwong B, Don M, Vasama JP. Differ­en­tial ear effects of profound unilat­eral deaf­ness on the adult human central audi­tory system. J Assoc Res Otolaryn­gol. 2003 ;4:235–49.

Egger­mont JJ and Ponton CW (2003). Audi­tory evoked poten­tial stud­ies of corti­cal matu­ra­tion in normal hear­ing and implanted chil­dren: corre­la­tions with changes in struc­ture and speech percep­tion. Acta Otolaryn­gol 123: 249–252.

Uhlen I, Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Kwong B, Don M. (2003). Matu­ra­tion of human central audi­tory system activ­ity: The T-complex. Clin Neuro­phys­iol 114: 685–701.

Bern­stein LE, Auer ET, Moore JK, Ponton CW, Don MD, Singh M. (2002). Visual speech percep­tion with­out primary audi­tory cortex acti­va­tion. NeuroRe­port 13: 311–315.

Egger­mont JJ and Ponton CW (2002). The neuro­phys­i­ol­ogy of audi­tory percep­tion: from single-units to evoked poten­tials. Audiol Neuro-Otol 7: 71–99.

Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Kwong B, Don M. (2002). Matu­ra­tion of human central audi­tory system activ­ity: Sepa­rat­ing audi­tory evoked poten­tials by dipole source model­ing. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 113: 407–420.

Ponton CW and Egger­mont JJ. Of Kittens and Kids: Altered corti­cal matu­ra­tion follow­ing profound deaf­ness and cochlear implant use. (2001) Audiol Neuro-Otol. 6: 363–380.

Ponton CW, Vasama JP, Trem­blay K, Khosla D, Kwong B, and Don M. (2001). Experience-related increases in inter-hemispheric corre­la­tions of evoked neuro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal activ­ity follow­ing profound unilat­eral deaf­ness. Hear Res. 154: 32–44.

Trem­blay K, Kraus N, McGee T, Ponton CW, Otis B (2001). Central audi­tory plas­tic­ity: changes in the N1-P2 complex after speech-sound train­ing. Ear Hear. 22: 79–90.

Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Don M, Kwong B (2000). Matu­ra­tion of human central audi­tory system activ­ity: Evidence from multi-channel evoked poten­tials. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 111: 220–236.

Ponton CW, Don M, Egger­mont JJ, Waring MD, Kwong B, Cunning­ham J, Trautwein (2000). Matu­ra­tion of the mismatch nega­tiv­ity: Effects of profound deaf­ness and cochlear implant use. Audiol Neuro-Otol. 5: 167–185.

Ponton CW, Moore JK, Egger­mont JJ (1999). Prolonged deaf­ness limits audi­tory system devel­op­men­tal plas­tic­ity: Evidence from an evoked poten­tials study in chil­dren with cochlear implants. Scand Audiol. 28(Suppl 51): 13–22.

Waring MD, Ponton CW, Don M (1999). Acti­vat­ing sepa­rate ascend­ing audi­tory path­ways produces differ­ent human thalamic/cortical responses. Hear Res. 130: 219–229.

Don M, Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Kwong B (1998). The effects of sensorineural hear­ing loss on cochlear filter times esti­mated from audi­tory brain­stem response laten­cies. J Acoust Soc Am. 104: 2280–2289.

Ponton CW, Don M, Egger­mont JJ, Kwong B (1997). The inte­grated mismatch nega­tiv­ity (MMNi): A noise-free repre­sen­ta­tion of evoked responses allow­ing single-point distribution-free statis­ti­cal tests. Elec­troen­cephalogr Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 104: 143–150.

Egger­mont JJ, Ponton CW, Don M, Waring MD, Kwong (1997). Matu­ra­tional delays in corti­cal evoked poten­tials in cochlear implant users. Acta Otolaryn­gol. 117: 161–63.

Ponton CW, Don M, Egger­mont JJ, Waring MD, Kwong B, Masuda A (1996). Audi­tory system plas­tic­ity in chil­dren after long peri­ods of complete deaf­ness. NeuroRe­port 8: 61–65.

Ponton CW. (1996). Possi­ble appli­ca­tion of func­tional imag­ing of the human audi­tory system in the study of acclima­ti­za­tion and late onset depri­va­tion. Ear Hear. 17: 78–86.

Ponton CW, Don M, Egger­mont JJ, Waring MD, Masuda A. (1996). Matu­ra­tion of human corti­cal audi­tory func­tion: Differ­ences between normal hear­ing and cochlear implant chil­dren. Ear Hear. 17: 430–437.

Ponton CW, Moore JK, Egger­mont JJ (1996). ABR gener­a­tion by paral­lel path­ways: Differ­en­tial matu­ra­tion of axonal conduc­tion time and synap­tic trans­mis­sion. Ear Hear. 17: 402–410.

Moore JK, Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Wu J-C, Huang, JQ (1996). Peri­na­tal matu­ra­tion of the ABR: Changes in path length and conduc­tion veloc­ity. Ear Hear. 17: 411–418.

Don M, Vermiglio AJ, Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Masuda A (1996). Vari­able effects of click polar­ity on audi­tory brain-stem response laten­cies: Analy­ses of narrow-band ABRs suggest possi­ble expla­na­tions. J Acoust Soc Am. 100: 458–466.

Egger­mont JJ, Brown DK, Ponton CW, Kimber­ley BP (1996). Compar­i­son of DPE and ABR trav­el­ing wave delay measure­ments suggests frequency-specific synapse matu­ra­tion. Ear Hear. 17: 386–394.

Ponton CW, Don M (1995). The mismatch nega­tiv­ity in cochlear implant users. Ear Hear. 16: 131–146.

Don M, Ponton CW. Func­tional imag­ing of audi­tory corti­cal activ­ity. In: RK Jack­ler, DB Brack­mann (Eds), Neuro­tol­ogy. Mosby, New York, 1994; pp 283–301.

Don M, Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Masuda A (1994). Audi­tory brain­stem response (ABR) peak ampli­tudes vari­abil­ity reflects indi­vid­ual differ­ences in cochlear response times. J Acoust Soc. 96: 3476–3491.

Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Coup­land SG, Winke­laar R (1993). The rela­tion between head size and ABR interpeak latency matu­ra­tion. J Acoust Soc. 94: 2135–2148.

Ponton CW, Don M, Waring MD, Egger­mont JJ, Masuda A (1993). Spatio-temporal source model­ing of evoked responses to acoustic and cochlear implant stim­u­la­tion of the audi­tory system. Elec­troen­cepha­log Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 88: 478–493.

Don M, Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Masuda A (1993). Gender differ­ences in cochlear response time: An expla­na­tion for gender ampli­tude differ­ences in the unmasked ABR. J Acoust Soc. 94: 2135–2148.

Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Coup­land SG, Winke­laar R (1992). Frequency specific matu­ra­tion of the eighth nerve and brain­stem audi­tory path­way: Evidence from derived audi­tory brain-stem response (ABRs). J Acoust Soc. 91: 1576–1586.

Ponton CW, Don M, Egger­mont JJ (1992). Place-specific derived cochlear micro­phon­ics from normal human ears. Scand Audiol. 21: 131–141.

Egger­mont JJ, Ponton CW, Coup­land SG, Winke­laar D (1991). Matu­ra­tion of the traveling-wave delay in the human cochlea. J Acoust Soc Am. 90: 288–298.

Egger­mont JJ, Ponton CW, Coup­land SG, Winke­laar D (1991). Frequency depen­dent matu­ra­tion of the cochlea and brain­stem evoked poten­tials. Acta Otolaryn­gol. 111: 220–224.

Coup­land SG, Ponton CW, Egger­mont JJ, Bowen TJ, Grant RM (1991). Assess­ment of cisplatinum-induced ototox­i­c­ity using derived-band ABRs. Inter­na­tional J Ped Otorhi­no­laryn­gol. 22: 237–248.

Ponton CW (1987). Enhanced artic­u­la­tory speed in ambidex­ters. Neuropsy­cholo­gia 25: 305–311.

Proc­tor MA, Ponton CW, Jamieson DG. (1986). Programs to produce high qual­ity dichotic tapes for central audi­tory test­ing. Comp Biomed Res. 19:508–519.


Rob Simon

Slobounov S, Sebas­tianelli W, Simon R. . Neuro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal and behav­ioral concomi­tants of mild brain injury in colle­giate athletes. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2002 113(2): 185–93.

Ray WJ, Slobounov S, Mord­koff JT, John­ston J, Simon RF. . Rate of force devel­op­ment and the later­al­ized readi­ness poten­tial. Psychophys­i­ol­ogy. 2000 37(6): 757–65.

Slobounov SM, Rearick MP, Simon RF, John­ston JA. . Movement-related poten­tials are task or end-effector depen­dent: evidence from a multi­fin­ger exper­i­ment. Exp Brain Res. 2000 135(1): 106–16.

Slobounov S, Simon R, Tutwiler R, Rearick M. . EEG corre­lates of wrist kine­mat­ics as revealed by aver­ag­ing tech­niques and Morlet wavelet trans­forms. Motor Control. 2000 4(3): 350–72.

Slobounov SM, Fukada K, Simon R, Rearick M, Ray W. . Neuro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal and behav­ioral indices of time pres­sure effects on visuo­mo­tor task perfor­mance. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res. 2000 9(3): 287–98.

Slobounov SM, Ray WJ, Simon RF. . Movement-related poten­tials accom­pa­ny­ing unilat­eral finger move­ments with special refer­ence to rate of force devel­op­ment. 1998 Psychophys­i­ol­ogy. 35(5): 537–48.


Michael Wagner, Ph.D.

View Michael Wagner profile on Research Gate.

Plum­mer C, Wagner M, Fuchs M, Vogrin S, Litewka L, Farish S, Bailey C, Harvey AS, Cook MJ. Clin­i­cal util­ity of distrib­uted source model­ling of inter­ic­tal scalp EEG in focal epilepsy. Clin Neuro­phys. 2010, 121(10) , 1726–1739.

Plum­mer C, Wagner M, Fuchs M, Harvey AS, Cook MJ. Dipole Versus Distrib­uted EEG Source Local­iza­tion for Single Versus Aver­aged Spikes in Focal Epilepsy J Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2010, 27(3):141–162.

Bern­stein LE, Auer ET Jr, Wagner M, Ponton CW. Spatiotem­po­ral dynam­ics of audio­vi­sual speech process­ing. Neuroim­age. 2008 Jan 1;39(1):423–35.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Kast­ner J. Devel­op­ment of volume conduc­tor and source models to local­ize epilep­tic foci. J Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2007 Apr;24(2):101–19.

Kris­teva R, Chakarov V, Wagner M, Schulte-Mönting J, Hepp-Reymond MC. Is the movement-evoked poten­tial manda­tory for move­ment execu­tion? A high-resolution EEGstudy in a deaf­fer­ented patient. Neuroim­age. 2006 Jun;31(2):677–85.

Wagner M, Fuchs M, Kast­ner J. Eval­u­a­tion of sLORETA in the pres­ence of noise and multi­ple sources. Brain Topogr. 2004;16(4):277–80.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Kast­ner J. Confi­dence limits of dipole source recon­struc­tion results. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2004 Jun;115(6):1442–51.

Fuchs M, Kast­ner J, Wagner M, Hawes S, Eber­sole JS. A stan­dard­ized bound­ary element method volume conduc­tor model. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2002 May;113(5):702–12.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Kast­ner J. Bound­ary element method volume conduc­tor models for EEG source recon­struc­tion. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 2001 Aug;112(8):1400–7.

Huppertz HJ, Hof E, Klisch J, Wagner M, Lück­ing CH, Kristeva-Feige R. Local­iza­tion of inter­ic­tal delta and epilep­ti­form EEG activ­ity asso­ci­ated with focal epilep­to­genic brain lesions. Neuroim­age. 2001 Jan;13(1):15–28.

Ball T, Schreiber A, Feige B, Wagner M, Lück­ing CH, Kristeva-Feige R The role of higher-order motor areas in volun­tary move­ment as revealed by high-resolution EEG and fMRI.. Neuroim­age. 1999 Dec;10(6):682–94.

Waber­ski TD, Buch­ner H, Perkuhn M, Gobbelé R, Wagner M, Kücker W, Silny J. N30 and the effect of explo­rative finger move­ments: a model of the contri­bu­tion of the motor cortex to early somatosen­sory poten­tials. Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 1999 Sep;110(9): 1589–600.

Buch­ner H, Gobbele R, Waber­ski TD, Wagner M, Fuchs M.Evidence for inde­pen­dent thal­a­mic and corti­cal sources involved in the gener­a­tion of the visual 40 Hz response in humans. Neurosci Lett. 1999 Jul 9;269(2):59–62.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Köhler T, Wischmann HA. Linear and nonlin­ear current density recon­struc­tions. J Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 1999 May;16(3):267–95.

Fuchs M, Wagner M, Wischmann HA, Köhler T, Theis­sen A, Drenck­hahn R, Buch­ner H. Improv­ing source recon­struc­tions by combin­ing bioelec­tric and biomag­netic data. Elec­troen­cephalogr Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 1998 Aug;107(2):93–111.

Fuchs M, Drenck­hahn R, Wischmann HA, Wagner M. An improved bound­ary element method for real­is­tic volume-conductor model­ing. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 1998 Aug;45(8):980–97.

Buch­ner H, Gobbelé R, Wagner M, Fuchs M, Waber­ski TD, Beck­mann R. Fast visual evoked poten­tial input into human area V5. Neurore­port. 1997 Jul 28;8(11):2419–22.

Buch­ner H, Knoll G, Fuchs M, Rienäcker A, Beck­mann R, Wagner M, Silny J, Pesch J. Inverse local­iza­tion of elec­tric dipole current sources in finite element models of the human head. Elec­troen­cephalogr Clin Neuro­phys­iol. 1997 Apr;102(4):267–78.

Buch­ner H, Waber­ski TD, Fuchs M, Wischmann HA, Wagner M, Drenck­hahn R. Compar­i­son of real­is­ti­cally shaped boundary-element and spher­i­cal head models in source local­iza­tion of early somatosen­sory evoked poten­tials. Brain Topogr. 1995 Winter;8(2):137–43.