Scientific Publications with Neuroscan Systems

In past years, we have attempted to main­tain a list of publi­ca­tions in which Neuroscan equip­ment was used. The sheer number of publi­ca­tions has greatly surpassed our abil­ity to keep the list current. As a conve­nient alter­na­tive, we are provid­ing the follow­ing links to arti­cles in which Neuroscan is mentioned. The searches were accom­plished using Google Scholar, going back to 2006, using the indi­cated search words. The numbers in paren­the­ses are the total “matches” that were returned at the time the search was created.

Applied Neuro­science (10,000 + citations)

Neuroscan and SynAmps (1,700 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Data Acqui­si­tion (1,000 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Atten­tion (3,400 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Cogni­tive (3,800 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Learn­ing (2,400 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Memory (2,900 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Emotion (1,600 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and “Mismatch Nega­tiv­ity” (1,200 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and P300 (1,800 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and N400 (600 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and P600 (200 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and “Visual System” (300 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and “Audi­tory System” (450 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and BCI (Brain Computer Inter­face) (400 + citations)

MRI/EEG Record­ings (1,900 + citations)

Neuroscan and Curry (300 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and “source recon­struc­tion” (190 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and MRI (1,400 + citations)

Sensory Neuro­science (900 + citations)

Neuroscan and Audi­tory Brain­stem Response (100 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Audi­tory Evoked Poten­tial (350 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Visual Evoked Poten­tial (350 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Somatosen­sory Evoked Response (75 + citations)

Clin­i­cal Neuro­science (3000 + citations)

Neuroscan and Pain (550 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Sleep (800 + cita­tions) ‘

Neuroscan and Phar­ma­col­ogy (300 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Epilepsy (650 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Schiz­o­phre­nia (1600 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and Deep Brain Stim­u­la­tion (70 + cita­tions)

Neuroscan and ADHD (450 + citations)

You may of course refine your own search as desired using the Advanced options, going back more years, or using other search engines.