Compumedics Neuroscan is pleased to announce a satellite symposium at the BIOMAG 2016 meeting in Seoul, Korea. The symposium “Comparison and combination MEG and EEG data” will be held October 2, 2016. More information is available on the website of BIOMAG.
- Manfred Fuchs, PhD, Compumedics Neuroscan, Hamburg Germany, Source Reconstruction from combined MEG and EEG Data
- Chris Plummer MD, Simon Vogrin BSc. St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia, Simultaneous EEG-MEG Down Under
- Stefan Ramp, MD, Erlangen University, Simultaneous and combined EEG in epileptic focus localization: A clinical perspective
- Robert Knowlton, MD, University of California, San Francisco, Ictal EEG source localization on the Seizure Monitoring Unit using 31 recording channels.
- Michael Wagner, PhD, John Ebersole, MD, Compumedics Neuroscan, Hamburg Germany, Benefits of combined MEG/EEG in presurgical evaluation of epilepsy: a study of 250 patients
In addition to this event, Compumedics is exhibiting at the BIOMAG meeting.