World Leader in Functional Neuro-imaging

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Virtual Neuroscan School

Compumedics Neuroscan Office Heussweg 25, Hamburg, Germany

Compumedics is pleased to present its next Neuroscan School featuring the CURRY® 9 software . The training is offered in a hybrid format allowing online or in-person participation. For detailed information and registration, see this Invitation Flyer.

Virtual Clinical CURRY Workshop 2023

Compumedics Neuroscan is pleased to announce its next Epilepsy Clinical Workshop featuring the CURRY software. For details, please see this flyer and fill out the registration form.

CURRY NeuroTalks Webinar 2

Compumedics Neuroscan proudly present the quarterly CURRY Webinar series, NeuroTalks, focusing on sharing research and clinical practices around epilepsy and other primary brain disorders, facilitating communications among scientists and clinicians, and inspiring new advancements within their fields. Register now.   Benjamin Brinkman, Ph.D (Professor of Neurology and Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Mayo Clinic […]

Virtual Clinical Neuroscan Workshop 2024

Compumedics Neuroscan is pleased to announce its next Epilepsy Clinical Workshop featuring the CURRY® Software. This hands-on workshop, which is intended for physicians and EEG/MEG technologists, is specifically focused on the evaluation and pre-surgical planning of epilepsy, based on EEG data. 4th - 8th November, 2024 USA:                   10am to 1pm EDT (UTC-5) Central Europe:   4pm […]

EEG and CURRY 9 Workshop 2024, Hong Kong

Compumedics and Tronda are presenting this years EEG and CURRY 9 workshop at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. See the flyer for details.