64-channels Quik-Cap Silicone Array – SynAmps 2/RT and Neuvo

The 64-channel Quik-Cap Silicone Array for the SynAmps 2/RT and Neuvo amplifier is a high-density EEG cap with 4 integrated bipolar leads for vertical and horizontal EOG (VEOG, HEOG), ECG and EMG.

The cap connects directly to the headbox of the SynAmps 2/RT and Neuvo. The layout of the cap is according to the extended 10/20 system.



Compumedics Neuroscan offers a variety of Quik-Caps to provide speedy, consistent application of up to 256 electrodes. Quik-Caps Silicone Array are manufactured of silicone material with soft electrode gel reservoirs for enhanced patient comfort. All electrodes are placed according to the International 10-20 electrode placement standard.

Quik-Cap Silicone Array caps are available in a variety of electrode configurations from 32 to 256 channels as well as in different sizes to meet every lab requirement.