STIM2 – precise stimulus presentation

STIM2 is Compumedics Neuroscan’s stim­u­lus presen­ta­tion and exper­i­men­tal design system. Operating under Windows, STIM2 provides a familiar and simple interface to design and deliver stimuli with ease and, more importantly, accuracy. STIM2 provides complete control of the experiment, while delivering the highest quality stimuli.

STIM2 is a complete soft­ware envi­ron­ment for custom stim­u­lus and task design as well as presen­ta­tion. The STIM2 system can be inte­grated in fMRI, MEG, and other func­tional neuro-imaging appli­ca­tions. The soft­ware provides a famil­iar menu-driven inter­face in which to design and present visual and audi­tory stim­u­la­tion paradigms.

STIM2’s power­ful and intu­itive design trans­lates into a short learn­ing curve and quick imple­men­ta­tion. The modules make it easy to design and execute your stim­uli with the great­est preci­sion, and the wide array of pre-packaged stim­uli ensures fast inte­gra­tion into your research.

STIM2 is fully integrated with the Cedrus StimTracker. This system uses photocells and auditory threshold detection to identify stimulus onset with the greatest accuracy possible.

SKU: 9034-0001-01


STIM2 Modules

STIM2 is comprised of 14 modules includ­ing a generic program­ma­ble exper­i­ment control module (Gentask), a sound file editor, and an image file converter. Other modules are cate­go­rized into Motor, Percep­tual, Atten­tion, Memory, and Cogni­tive func­tions, many of which have neuropsy­cho­log­i­cal paral­lels (Tapping, Stroop, Cate­gories, Card Sort­ing, etc.). The Gentask program includes an inter­face for creat­ing and present­ing almost any type of visual, audi­tory, or combined task and record­ing behav­ioral responses. Gentask has been used for a vari­ety of exper­i­ments includ­ing audi­tory P300, N400, MMN, CNV, picture memory, and many more. The Gentask Editor makes creat­ing, modi­fy­ing and debug­ging sequences files very easy. The Sound Editor program is used for record­ing, edit­ing, and present­ing digi­tal sound segments. The Image Converter module will convert less famil­iar formats into commonly encoun­tered types of graph­ics files (BMP, JPG, PNG, TIF, etc.) that can then be presented.

STIM2 inter­faces seam­lessly with CURRY 7 and SCAN, as well as any of our ampli­fiers: SynAmps RT, Neuvo, NuAmps and Grael.