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Clinical Curry School at Summit, New Jersey

June 2, 2017 - June 4, 2017

Compumedics is pleased to announce its next Clin­i­cal Work­shop featur­ing Curry Neuroimag­ing Suite soft­ware. This hands-on work­shop, which is intended for physi­cians and EEG/MEG tech­nol­o­gists, is specif­i­cally focused on the eval­u­a­tion of epilepsy EEG and MEG data.

Course dura­tion is 2 days, begin­ning with an intro­duc­tion to basic EEG/MEG review with Curry, followed by evoked response data analy­sis. The afternoon’s session will feature inter-ictal and ictal data review, spike/seizure mark­ing, event segre­ga­tion by field analy­sis, and aver­ag­ing. On the next day, source analy­sis meth­ods for the above data types will be reviewed, includ­ing the use of indi­vid­ual MRI and real­is­tic head models. The last session will be dedi­cated to intracra­nial EEG review, includ­ing inte­gra­tion with MRI and CT to local­ize elec­trodes and co-registration with other func­tional imag­ing data, such as PET.

All hands-on sessions will be performed with Curry soft­ware. Partic­i­pants are to bring their own Windows laptops and a wheel mouse. Curry soft­ware and course data will be installed onsite.

The train­ing will be conducted by Compumedics’ top research scien­tists. The workshop is hosted by Dr. John Ebersole, MD.

To register, please send an email to


June 2, 2017
June 4, 2017
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Summit, NJ United States + Google Map