World Leader in Functional Neuro-imaging

Neuroscan School

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Clinical Curry School at Summit, New Jersey

Summit Summit, NJ, United States

Compumedics is pleased to announce its next Clin­i­cal Work­shop featur­ing Curry Neuroimag­ing Suite soft­ware. This hands-on work­shop, which is intended for physi­cians and EEG/MEG tech­nol­o­gists, is specif­i­cally focused on the eval­u­a­tion of epilepsy EEG and MEG data. Course dura­tion is 2 1/2 days, begin­ning with an intro­duc­tion to basic EEG/MEG review with Curry, followed by […]

Neuroscan School Hamburg

Compumedics Neuroscan Office Heussweg 25, Hamburg, Germany

Compumedics is pleased to present its next Neuroscan School featur­ing the CURRY soft­ware in Hamburg. This Neuroscan School is a four-day course for indi­vid­u­als with moder­ate to advanced levels of exper­tise with the Neuroscan prod­ucts, and with a specific inter­est in EEG acqui­si­tion, signal process­ing, source analy­sis, and multi­modal inte­gra­tion. Basic knowl­edge of data acqui­si­tion and […]

Neuroscan School in Seoul

TBD Seoul Seoul, Korea, Republic Of

Compumedics is pleased to present its next Neuroscan School featur­ing CURRY in Seoul, South Korea. This Neuroscan School is a two-day course for indi­vid­u­als with moder­ate to advanced levels of exper­tise with the Neuroscan prod­ucts, and with a specific inter­est in EEG acqui­si­tion, signal process­ing, source analy­sis, and multi­modal inte­gra­tion. Basic knowl­edge of data acqui­si­tion […]

Clinical Neuroscan School Seoul

TBD Seoul Seoul, Korea, Republic Of

Compumedics is pleased to announce its next Clin­i­cal Work­shop featur­ing Curry in Seoul. This hands-on work­shop, which is intended for physi­cians and EEG/MEG tech­nol­o­gists, is specif­i­cally focused on the eval­u­a­tion of epilepsy EEG and MEG data. Course dura­tion is 2 days, begin­ning with an intro­duc­tion to basic EEG/MEG review with Curry. The afternoon’s session will […]

Neuroscan School in Hong Kong

TBD Hong Kong Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Compumedics is pleased to present its next Neuroscan School featur­ing CURRY in Hong Kong. This Neuroscan School is a two-day course for indi­vid­u­als with moder­ate to advanced levels of exper­tise with the Neuroscan prod­ucts, and with a specific inter­est in EEG acqui­si­tion, signal process­ing, source analy­sis, and multi­modal inte­gra­tion. Basic knowl­edge of data acqui­si­tion and […]

Neuroscan School in Taipei

TBD Taipei Taipei, Taiwan

Compumedics is pleased to present its next Neuroscan School featur­ing CURRY in Taipei. This Neuroscan School is a two-day course for indi­vid­u­als with moder­ate to advanced levels of exper­tise with the Neuroscan prod­ucts, and with a specific inter­est in EEG acqui­si­tion, signal process­ing, source analy­sis, and multi­modal inte­gra­tion. Basic knowl­edge of data acqui­si­tion and exper­i­ment […]

Neuroscan School in Beijing

TBD Beijing Beijing, China

Compumedics is pleased to present its next Neuroscan School featur­ing CURRY in Beijing. This Neuroscan School is a two-day course for indi­vid­u­als with moder­ate to advanced levels of exper­tise with the Neuroscan prod­ucts, and with a specific inter­est in EEG acqui­si­tion, signal process­ing, source analy­sis, and multi­modal inte­gra­tion. Basic knowl­edge of data acqui­si­tion and exper­i­ment […]

Clinical Neuroscan School Phoenix

Barrow Neurological Institute 350 West Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Compumedics is pleased to announce its next Clin­i­cal Work­shop featur­ing Curry at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, US. This hands-on work­shop, which is intended for physi­cians and EEG/MEG tech­nol­o­gists, is specif­i­cally focused on the eval­u­a­tion of epilepsy EEG and MEG data. Course dura­tion is 2 days, begin­ning with an intro­duc­tion to basic EEG/MEG review […]

EEG and CURRY 9 Workshop 2024, Hong Kong

Compumedics and Tronda are presenting this years EEG and CURRY 9 workshop at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. See the flyer for details.