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Neuroscan School Bangkok

October 5, 2015 - October 7, 2015

Compumedics is pleased to announce its next Clin­i­cal Work­shop featur­ing Curry soft­ware. This hands-on work­shop, which is intended for physi­cians and EEG/MEG tech­nol­o­gists, is specif­i­cally focused on the eval­u­a­tion of epilepsy EEG and MEG data.

Course dura­tion is 2½ days, begin­ning Monday morn­ing with an intro­duc­tion to basic EEG/MEG review with Curry, followed by evoked response data analy­sis. Monday afternoon’s session will feature inter-ictal and ictal data review, spike/seizure mark­ing, event segre­ga­tion by field analy­sis, and aver­ag­ing. On Tuesday, source analy­sis meth­ods for the above data types will be reviewed, includ­ing the use of indi­vid­ual MRI and real­is­tic head models. Wednesday morn­ing will be dedi­cated to intracra­nial EEG review, includ­ing inte­gra­tion with MRI and CT to local­ize elec­trodes and co-registration with other func­tional imag­ing data, such as PET.

All hands-on sessions will be performed with Compumedics’ Curry soft­ware. Partic­i­pants are to bring their own Windows laptops and a wheel mouse. Curry soft­ware and course data will be installed onsite.
Laptops should have as a mini­mum Windows XP SP3 as the OS. Windows 7 or 8 are preferred.

The train­ing will be conducted by Compumedics’ top research scien­tists, with clin­i­cal lectures provided by Dr. Yotin Chinvarun.

Dr. Yotin Chinvarun, MD PhD
Dr. Yotin Chinvaruns biography can be found at

Curtis Ponton, PhD
Dr. Curtis Ponton joined Compumedics Neuroscan in 2000 and has served several roles in the orga­ni­za­tion includ­ing Chief Scien­tist, Vice
Pres­i­dent, with current respon­si­bil­i­ties in Busi­ness Devel­op­ment. With Compumedics Neuroscan he has led the prod­uct devel­op­ment team of the EEG/fMRI Micro­Maglink for the past several years. Dr. Ponton has authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publi­ca­tions and book chapters.

Michael Wagner, PhD
Dr. Michael Wagner is a Senior Scientist at Compumedics Neuroscan, and one of the core members of Curry software engineering group. Dr. Wagner has been with Compumedics Neuroscan for more than a decade. In addition to his expertise in software engineering, Dr. Wagner remains active in research. His 50+ peer-reviewed publications include recent collaborative studies with Drs. Cook and Plummer from Melbourne University.


October 5, 2015
October 7, 2015
Event Category:


TBD Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand + Google Map