
Version 9.0.3 of CURRY 9 has been released. The patch installer can be applied to any existing installation of CURRY 9. A download link and details of this new release can be found here.

CURRY 9.0.3 patch now available

Dear North America CURRY® X users,We are excited to announce our latest promotion, giving you the opportunity to upgrade your CURRY X (Acquisition) package to the latest version of CURRY 9 X-SBR, a comprehensive research package that includes Acquisition, Signal Processing, Source Analysis and Statistics. This exclusive, time-limited promotion is available only to current CURRY […]

Upgrade to CURRY 9 Research Package (North America CURRY X ...

The Compumedics team is pleased to present Volume 2 of our quarterly CURRY Newsletter as a channel to our global customers, providing exciting news about CURRY development, feature updates, customer publications, webinars and CURRY workshops. Read the full story here.

CURRY Newsletter Vol 2

Compumedics Neuroscan proudly present the quarterly CURRY Webinar series,NeuroTalks, focusing on sharing research and clinical practices around epilepsy andother primary brain disorders, facilitating communications among scientists andclinicians, and inspiring new advancements within their fields. Register now.

CURRY NeuroTalks Webinar 2

Starting this month, the Compumedics team is issuing a quarterly CURRY Newsletter as a channel to our global customers, providing exciting news updates about CURRY development, feature updates, customer publications, webinars, and CURRY workshops. Read the full story here.

CURRY Newsletter Vol 1

Compumedics Neuroscan proudly present the quarterly CURRY Webinar series,NeuroTalks, focusing on sharing research and clinical practices around epilepsy andother primary brain disorders, facilitating communications among scientists andclinicians, and inspiring new advancements within their fields. Register now.

CURRY NeuroTalks Webinar 1

Following the magnetoencephalography (MEG) system currently being installed at Tianjin Normal University (TJNU), Compumedics has received further MEG orders from prestigious Tsinghua and Tianjin Universities in China. Read the full story here.

Compumedics Receives New MEG Orders

Compumedics is pleased to announce its next Clinical CURRY Workshop forthcoming 26-30 September, 2022. The school will once more be held in a virtual format and is featuring the CURRY 9 software. More can be found here.

Epilepsy Clinical CURRY Workshop 2022 – Save the Date

Introducing the next generation Neuroscan CURRY® Neuroimaging software. CURRY® 9 is a major upgrade and includes over 150 new features, for enhanced user experience and even more powerful performance. Feature highlights A complete overview of all the new features in CURRY 9 can be found in the highlight flyer and the latest brochure.

Upgrade to CURRY 9

The technical support team at Compumedics is growing and we are looking to add a Technical Support Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Engineer to the team. If you have excellent customer service talents, extensive troubleshooting skills, knowledge of MEG and/or EEG electronics along with good computing skills, this might be the position for you. Please refer to the […]

Technical Support Engineer Job Opening

We have set up a new website dedicated to our Orion LifeSpan MEG system. Please visit to find out the latest about our unique MEG solution.

New website Orion LifeSpan MEG

Continuous helium-recycling minimizes the operating costs and maintenance requirements for magnetoencephalography. The Orion LifeSpan™ MEG System uses efficient helium-recycling with zero-loss. A recent publication...

Low-noise MEG by continuously operating reliquefier

The website has been updated with new information about electrode digitization. Compumedics Neuroscan supports a large variety of electrode digitization hardware. These include the NDI Krios, Spectra and Vicra devices as well as the Polhemus Fastrak device. The procedure of the electrode digitization is completely integrated in the CURRY Package and allows fast digitization of […]

Update: Electrode Digitizers

Compumedics Neuroscan is pleased to announce CURRY 8, our premier tool for EEG/MEG signal processing and neuroimaging, has been released. It is now available for purchase. Please talk to your local representative in case you are interested in CURRY 8 or when you wish to upgrade you existing CURRY license. Read more about the new […]

CURRY 8 Released

Compumedics Neuroscan is pleased to announce a satellite symposium at the BIOMAG 2016 meeting in Seoul, Korea. The symposium "Comparison and combination MEG and EEG data" will be held October 2, 2016. More information is available on the website of BIOMAG.

Satellite Symposium at BIOMAG 2016

Compumedics Neuroscan is dedi­cated to expand­ing knowl­edge and under­stand­ing of the human brain and nervous system through advanced technology. Compumedics Neuroscan is a world-leading devel­oper of research soft­ware for neuro­phys­i­ol­ogy, neuroimag­ing, and neuro­di­ag­nos­tic systems. Neuroscan provides tools to increase under­stand­ing and improve treat­ment of this most complex and least under­stood system of the human body; […]

About Neuroscan

Neuroscan is a company founded by neuro­sci­en­tists with a primary mission to support the needs of inves­ti­ga­tors, in both the research and clin­i­cal domains. For over 20 years, research and devel­op­ment has remained the primary focus of Neuroscan. From creat­ing the world’s first complete hard­ware and soft­ware pack­age for acquir­ing and process­ing EEG and ERP data […]

Research – Now and Into the Future

In past years, we have attempted to main­tain a list of publi­ca­tions in which Neuroscan equip­ment was used. The sheer number of publi­ca­tions has greatly surpassed our abil­ity to keep the list current. As a conve­nient alter­na­tive, we are provid­ing the follow­ing links to arti­cles in which Neuroscan is mentioned. The searches were accom­plished using […]

Scientific Publications with Neuroscan Systems

Ronnie Abi-Raad, Ph.D. Martin R Ford, Ph.D. Manfred Fuchs, Ph.D. Jörn Kastner Curtis W. Ponton, Ph.D. Rob Simon Michael Wagner, Ph.D.   Ronnie Abi-Raad, Ph.D. Huang J, Colrain IM, Melen­dres MC, Karamessi­nis LR, Pepe ME, Samuel JM, Abi-Raad RF, Trescher WH, Marcus CL. Corti­cal process­ing of respi­ra­tory affer­ent stim­uli during sleep in chil­dren with the obstruc­tive sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep. 2008;31(3):403–10. Melen­dres MC, Marcus CL, […]

Publications by Neuroscan Staff

The CURRY NeuroImaging platform and MEG have a history stretching back over 25 years. CURRY was first conceived as a product in the early 1990’s when Philips Electronics investigated the feasibility of developing it’s own MEG hardware platform. Ultimately, the hardware platform did not survive, but the software, along with its core engineering architects, Dr. Manfred Fuchs […]

Magnetoencephaloghy (MEG) and CURRY – A long history together

Over 25 years of experience in designing PSG and EEG amplifiers has culminated in the new Grael amplifier range – Compumedics’ most technologically advanced amplifier yet. Four new amplifiers specifically designed to fit your needs! Key features Sampling Rates up to 4096 Hz User selectable gain allows choice of lower noise or higher allowable DC […]

Introducing the new Grael Range

Australia-based Compumedics is pleased to announce a long-term technology transfer and development agreement for production of a state of the art Magnetoencephalography (MEG) system with the Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS). Implementing full integration with CURRY, Compumedics Neuroscan’s multimodal brain analysis software, a new generation of brain imaging is now available to […]

Compumedics Neuroscan Proudly Announces the Introduction of Orion LifeSpan MEG

Ongoing studies at the Oxford Baby Lab are employing Neuroscan Systems to better understand the processing and development of language in infants. We are proud to provide the technology to advance the understanding of brain and language development and neural plasticity at Oxford and other similar research facilities around the world. Watch a short documentary […]

Developmental Science at University of Oxford

When Neuroscan’s Scan software was released in the early 1990’s, it heralded a new generation in EEG and ERP research. Since the initial release, Scan has been adapted to multiple generations of Microsoft OS evolutionary stages from DOS through to Windows XP and Windows 7. However with recent Windows upgrades, and continuous improvement in the […]

Evolution from SCAN to Curry Acquisition & Analysis

Knowing the exact locations of your electrodes is essential for advanced analysis, such as source reconstruction or co-registration of your EEG/MEG data. Compumedics Neuroscan has a highly accurate digitizer system based on 3D position measurement with infrared light. This technique has been used in the field of surgical navigation for years and provides the highest […]

Electrode digitization in CURRY 7

Non-parametric statistical analysis is becoming more common in single trial EEG and ERP analysis. The advantage of non-parametric statistics is that it does not depend on assumptions as parametric tests, and still the results can be as powerful as parametric tests when the assumptions are met. In CURRY, non-parametric statistics using topographical ANOVA randomization methods […]

Non-parametric statistical analysis in CURRY

CURRY is an ideal software platform for combining and processing the various datasets that are obtained from a patient during an Epilepsy evaluation. CURRY combines multiple data sets (EEG, ECoG, MEG, MRI, fMRI, CT, DTI, and PET) to ensure the maximum information from the patients complete data set is utilized in making critical decisions. CURRY uses a […]

CURRY Neuro Imaging Suite for Epilepsy Evaluation

The events calendar on our website has been updated. This year, Compumedics Neuroscan will be present at several international meetings as well as present at some of the smaller meetings. Please find the events section of the website to find out where you can meet us in the next months.

Upcoming Conferences and Events

CURRY 8 / 9 Operating System (64bit):  Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2019 CPU: Modern multi-core processor (such as Intel i5, i7 or i9, or AMD Ryzen 5, 7, 9, or Threadripper), ARM processor not supported Memory RAM: 16 GB or more Graphics Card: DirectX 11.1 compatible graphics card with 2+ GB […]

CURRY – Recommended Computer Specifications

Online publi­ca­tion by Anne Spencer Ross, Sharon Kay Hunter, Mark A Groth, Randal Glenn Ross from the Depart­ment of Psychi­a­try, Univer­sity of Colorado School of Medi­cine, and Colorado State Univer­sity in which the Nuamps ampli­fier is used for EEG record­ing in infants.

P50 Sensory gating in infants

Mind moves robot
Inno­va­tion Appli­ca­tions for Neuroscan Systems for Mind Control of Flying Robots High­lighted on CNN featuring the Synamps RT amplifier and the Access software development kit (SDK).

Mind Control of Flying Robots

Curry 7 Neuro Imaging Suite
Curry 7 has now been in release for more than one year. Progres­sively, more and more customers are tran­si­tion­ing from our legacy Scan soft­ware to Curry 7. Now inte­grat­ing data acqui­si­tion, there is no reason not to move forward with more options, flex­i­bil­ity, and reli­a­bil­ity. With its modu­lar design, Curry 7 can fit every researchers’ […]

Curry Neuroimag­ing Suite: Our Premiere Product